Q: What is Topper?
A: The topper is the graphical section of the canopy head that is printed on all four sides, as well as the valance, which is likewise printed on four sides.
Q: What is Graphics?
A: The Graphics is the material on which the topper is printed, hence Graphics and Topper are required to build the canopy topper.
Q: What is the production time for the Canopy 10 x 10 ft?
A: The production time is 24 hours when you select the priority shipping and 48 hours when you select the express shipping.
Q: Is Canopy useful in Windy & Harsh Weather Condition?
A: Yes, this is useful, however you may buy sandbags, which are available on the product page. We would also recommend purchasing half walls, which will provide additional weight to the canopy.
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